… am 09./10.11.2024 in Trostberg (Bayern)

Am vergangenen Wochenende trafen sich die besten 36 Jungen und 36 Mädchen der Nation in Trostberg (Bay), um am Finale des Germany U11 Masters teilzunehmen - dem Turnier auf höchstem Niveau in der Altersklasse U11 (inoffizielle Deutsche Meisterschaft der AK U11). Mit von der Partie unser PSV-Crack Ruixiang Wang.

Our young player Ruixiang was also proudly there playing single. Before the game starts on Saturday, there was even a small ceremonial entry, players from each state entering the hall with state flag; trust it makes the players also feel the honour to represent their respective badminton associations. The game starts at 9am sharp, players are divided into 12 groups with group playing system. Only the 1st position from each group will enter into next round. Ruixiang is in the 6th group together Phileas Bäsler (ATSV Freiberg) and Jaivigna Bollampalli (TSV Neuhausen-Nymphenburg). Unfortunately Ruixiang was unable to win both games, but he had few good rallies and the gap with both players are getting narrowed compared to earlier tournament.

Es war für Ruixiang nicht nur ein sportlicher Höhepunkt, sondern auch eine wertvolle Erfahrung für seine sportliche und persönliche Entwicklung.
