... am 20.10.2024 in Heidenheim

Etwas mehr als 60 Spieler*innen in den AK's U11-U19 trafen sich am vergangenen Sonntag in der Landkreishalle Heidenheim zur 5. E-Rangliste SW. Mit dabei unser Youngster Ruixiang Wang.

During last weekend (Oct 19/20), while all of PSV Reutlingen adult players were playing their league games, our youngest player Ruixiang was also playing at the E-RLT U11-U19 in Heidenheim. Together with other 11 players, Ruixiang played single in U13 (one age group higher) with KO system. He had play free in 1st round and this caused our slow warming up. Ruixiang lost his quarter-final round against the eventual winner, who had traveled from ATV Frankonia Nürnberg. However, he clearly win all sets in rest of all games and secured 5th place.
As always, Ruixiang not only enjoyed playing the games but also happy making new friends from the tournament.
