
… am 08.06.2024 in Waldsee (BV Rheinhessen-Pfalz)

Platz 2 im JE U13 für Ruixiang

After two weeks Pfingst holiday break, our young players are back to tournament field. On last Saturday (June 8), Ruixiang Wang (U11) was in the neighbour state - 1. FZ Forza Rheinauen Pokal (D2) U11-U19 Waldsee to play in U13 single (one AK higher). The 1st round was play free, after smoothly finished the 2nd and 3rd rounds, Ruxiang  entered the final. Obviously, there was a gap particularly in movement and technique with the opponent, Ruixiang secured 2nd place in U13 single . It was a good warm up tournament day after the holiday break.

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